

21 Apr

A COVID-19 lay off may not be termination

Tuesday, April 21, 2020Soma Ray-EllisLitigation, Employment LawCOVID-19, Termination, Employment Agreements, Employee, Employer, Employment Standards Amendment Act, State of Emergency


Canada lost a staggering million plus jobs in the month of March. The International Labour Organization has said based on current statistical information, 1.25 billion workers or 38% of the Global Workforce may face workplace displacement as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the full post, click here.

6 Apr

Top 10 Work Refusal Questions for Employers and Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Monday, April 6, 2020Soma Ray-EllisLitigationCOVID-19, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Employee, Employer, Employment Agreements, Employment Standards Amendment Act


The global spread of COVID-19 has impacted employers and employees across the globe, and Canada is no exception. Soma Ray-Ellis, Chair – Employment and Labour Law Group has prepared the ten most relevant questions that employers and employees need to understand in this COVID-19 work reality we now find ourselves in.

Read the full post, click here.

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